Monday, January 24, 2011

A blank canvas and the big bad wolf...

Remember that estate sale I went to on Friday?
I went back on Saturday.
Ever see something and then cannot get it out of your mind?
As artists...once we get something in our head...
the image sits and stays there until we do something about it... least that is how I described the "torture" to my husband.

I could not get this piece and all that I could do to it to bring it to its full potential out of my head!
Do you SEE how big that front door is...
I could...
paint a saying or verse down the front...
I could simply paint just the door chalkboard...
I could paint a bird...
a landscape...
it is a blank canvas...
every artist dream...
I also told that to my husband.

You may not know this about us yet,
but my husband and I have spent years working with married couples.
We both have Masters in Counseling...don't worry we are "trained".
We love being married, we love the design of marriage...we believe in marriage...and we deeply desire to not only stop the reality of the divorce epidemic, but to enrich the lives of those who are living in this gift we call marriage!
So we have decide to share some stories and learning from our life and experiences with you every Monday!

Back to the artist in me.
I am quirky.
I literally get something in my head, like I said and have to do it.
Quirky artist... I am sure is not always easy to live with...
especially when you are the one lifting, moving, hauling, building, painting...
He lives into my quirkiness with me...He gets me...
He does not always like it...he huffs and puffs...and sometimes wishes he could blow this house down!

"Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other." Romans 12:10

He delights in me..most of the time.
I delight in him...most of the time.
"Most of the time"... will keep you on the path of a healthy marriage!
There has to be grace for each other as you learn to live into each others quirkiness.

Love and Quirkiness,
Tracey and The Big Bad Wolf

Next Monday...He will guest post...should be interesting:)...He is gonna tell us what guys really want...I told him..."no a post cannot be a three letter word and that's it :).."


  1. Love the armoir! Can't wait to see how you transform it :) And tell Tim I am looking forward to his first blog post!!

  2. How funny!
    Glad you went back and got this armoire - I love the molding and the big door...I just know you're going to do something spectacular with it...that I most likely will want to copy! :)

    Isn't it the best that they get us...sometimes mine complains also but he's always right by my side doing some project - or complimenting it when it's all done.

  3. Oh my goodness that last line of your post had me cracking up!! Thanks for a good laugh this morning. That is wonderful that your hubby supports your projects. I sure look forward to seeing what you decide to do with the cabinet!

  4. love's have to find a place for it!

    great idea on the every Monday posts about marriage....looking forward to it!

  5. Ok..first of all..if that was the item you were talking about possibly can't. You know that right? Just checking. I'm excited just looking at all that fresh wood just waiting to be personalized!!! I know whatever you do it will be beautiful!!! Can't wait to see!

  6. OH my word. Your whole post could be talking about me.....What is it that makes the creative brain work this way?!?!??! It's a blessing and a curse. My brain needs an OFF switch. Thankfully my sweet husband is the same way so we get each other. But then that's it's own problem too :)!!!! My husband just moved an icebox for me from a basement. It's true love!!!!!!!

  7. Oh, I know what you mean about an idea getting stuck in your head...I'm the same way. We sound kind of similar, I'm artsy too and have a degree in Psychology.

    I can't wait to see what you decide to do with your armoire :)

  8. Tracy,
    I wished we lived near each other and had a shop together too. What fun we could have!! I'd probably loose money though buying all of your wonderful things :)
